DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-57-63
The article reflects the problem of science education, which manifest themselves in school and in higher school. In particular, these problems are common to the schools and universities of Tomsk. The problems are manifested by the facts: poor results at final exams in school (average point at the final examination in physics is not high, for Tomsk it is slightly higher than in Russia in whole); weak natural-science preparation of pupils identified in the serious study; lowering of the pass mark for the students of technical faculties of leading universities of Tomsk. In addition, in the above studies was found low practical and technical preparation of students, which affects the training of engineers. The authors analyzed the proposals to solve the manifested problems. Part of the proposals concerns the introduction of a propaedeutic course of natural-science for pupils of 5–6 classes. The authors believe that such training is more effective in the study of the course, built on the basis of the most important natural subject – physics, rather than on the basis of integrated natural sciences course. Propaedeutic study of the subject, built in a certain way, contributed to the appearance of the motivation to study it. The process of such training is presented as an elective course (shows the program and, in part, the ways of working with students), where students are introduced to the great discoveries and the engineering, and consumer applications of these discoveries. The course is built on the basis of a joint discussion of the problems, updating of knowledge of students about the scientists and the benefits of their discoveries, the organization of observations and execution of simple model experiments. As a result, students gain some practical, technological and information skills. The article shows the positive results of the students, the appearance of their motivation to study physics.
Keywords: problems of science education, strengthening of practical training of students, development of interest in physics, elective course for students of grades 5–6
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 57 — 63
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