DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-8-91-99
The paper ascertains the fact that modern school keeps the one-sided character of mastering by students of integral social and cultural experience which is formed mainly as a knowledge component. The paper considers the attempts of Russian scientists of education of the Soviet and post-Soviet stages of socio-economic development of Russian society, to deduce the content of education from a knowledge paradigm. As examples the paper considers the concepts of the content of general education by V. V. Krayevsky and I. Ya. Lerner, V. S. Lednev and M. S. Kagan, the content of general education in the paradigm of developmental education (L. V. Zankov, V. V. Davydov, B. D. Elkonin), person-centred education (V. S. Iliin, V. V. Serikov), competence building approach (V. A. Bolotov, V. V. Serikov, A. V. Khutorskoy). The article discusses the definitions of the terms «competence» (as a combination of the person’s knowledge, skills and experience in a certain sphere, which provides the ability to perform certain functions) and «competency» (a person’s possession of a complex of such combinations, which provide a wider sphere and abilities of functioning for the person). The paper provides the formulation of the concept «research competency» of the student as a component of the content of general education; investigates the ways and means of forming the research competence of schoolchildren; identifies the interrelation between the concepts of the «research competence» and the «metasubject» content of general education.
Keywords: general education content, the “knowledge” paradigm of education content, competence building approach, competence, competency, metasubject, research competency
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Issue: 8, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 91 — 99
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