DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-17-24
This article considers the criteria and indicators of the formation of moral culture of a student in the multicultural context and describes the model of the process of its formation. The data of the psychological and pedagogical experiment, the evaluation of the effectiveness of creating pedagogical conditions after the introduction of the developed model in the educational process of the university are given. The examples of the use of active methods, forms, techniques and tools aimed at developing the backbone elements of student’s culture and determining his proactive attitude in forming up constructive relations in a modern multi-ethnic society are presented. The author reveals the ways of organizing independent creative activity, reflexive experience as a mechanism for reinterpreting the content of consciousness, correlating one’s abilities, self-actuating and self-improvement. The purpose of the study was to identify and substantiate definite organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of moral culture of a future professional in a multicultural educational environment. The introduction of the model of formation of moral culture of a student in the multicultural educational environment made it possible to raise the level of knowledge system, motives, attitudes, values and moral orientations of students, the ability to interact with partners from other cultures. Positive dynamics in relation of student to the proposed study of the field of culture, its specific content, readiness for self-actuating and self-evolution was noted.
Keywords: spiritual-moral culture, multicultural educational environment, student, model of formation of moral and spiritual culture, multicultural educational environment, psychological and pedagogical experiment, pedagogical conditions
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 17 — 24
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