DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-56-62
The article reflects the problems of engineering education, which manifest themselves at present in school and at university. These include: low starting capabilities of the entrants, i.e. weak fundamental knowledge, insufficient independence, lack of motivation to educational and future professional activity, reduction of interest in technical education. The study revealed low motivation of pupils and students to study the subject. The author analyzes methods to solve the problem of orientation of students to the engineering profession, currently used and proposes his solution to the problem – the introduction of a propaedeutic courses with a practical orientation for students in grades 5–6. Teaching the course is built on the basis of a joint discussion of the new knowledge, knowledge acquisition of the students about the scientists and their discoveries, the organization of the observations and performing simple model experiments, designing the simplest devices. As a result, the students acquire some practical, technological, and informational skills. The article shows the positive results of the development of practical skills of students, have the appearance of a motivation to study physics and development of cognitive interest. The article describes a course for the 6th grade, where the pupils get acquainted with the great discoveries and their engineering and home incarnations, and the results reflect the importance of the course.
Keywords: problems of engineering education, reduction of interest in technical education, the development of motivation to study physics, elective course of practical orientation for students of grades 5–6
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 56 — 62
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