DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-68-75
The article deals with the problem of increasing motivation for learning the basic disciplines among the students of technical universities. It demonstrates the characteristic of the consolidated activities of the faculty in training the students to work on the formation of their competitiveness. The article provides the pedagogical technology of training of competitive specialists in a technical university. It presents the results of the survey of students to ascertain their perceptions about the competitiveness of a graduate. The authors emphasize the necessity of cardinal changes in an education system and in accordance with the requirements of the labour market for competitive specialists. The authors propose to consider the competitiveness on four levels – personal, qualification, competence, practical, which allow the student to trace the formation of his qualities as a future job applicant. It is proved that the formation of competitiveness of technical college graduates is realized by establishing correspondence between the educational and professional standards. An example of working with the individual plan of formation of competitiveness is shown. Substantial growth of the motivation for learning the basic disciplines is confirmed by the results of the input and the final control of knowledge on the example of chemistry, as well as survey data of graduates.
Keywords: motivation to learn, basic disciplines, competitiveness, levels of competitiveness, individual plan of formation of competitiveness
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 68 — 75
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