DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-166-174
The article reflects the ideas of development of creative potential of students‘ personality in the process of their professional training. The state of the studied problem in pedagogical theory and practice is studied, perspective approaches to its solution are defined, the conceptual apparatus of research is specified. The state of the problem of students’ creative potential is analyzed. In the process of its development, we have identified the stages in the logic of the main trends. Ideas about creative potential of students’ personality are developed. The aspects of development of creative potential of personality of students are considered, pedagogical conditions of its formation, creation of the creative environment, inducements of reflexive activity, dialogization of educational process are allocated. There was conducted the survey and testing of students of Altai State Technical University and Altai Economics and Law Institute. The results of the study of the creative potential of students in the process of training in public and private universities are presented. These surveys and tests allowed the author to conclude that the type of educational institution does not significantly affect the proportion of students with explicit and empirically fixed creative potential. A survey of students of different courses, as well as a repeated survey of the same panel with minor sample losses showed that the number of students with the author’s analyzed criteria of creative potential varies between 25–35 percent. No more than 10–12 percent of respondents in both universities have all the necessary qualities. Half of respondents express these qualities poorly or asymmetrically, the fifth part of the surveyed students focused on noncreative study and professional career, shows obvious conformism. The grounds for the conclusion about the development of the creative potential of students in General is not enough, as evidenced by the specific weight of creative personalities in different courses. The author sees the reasons in the fact that, firstly, the basis for such development is laid earlier, before entering the University, and secondly, some students with creative potential are eliminated from the educational process for various reasons: lack of money for education, conflicts with the administration, etc. in a private University, despite the action of various circumstances, the proportion of students with creative potential remains quite stable, and in a state University there is a tendency to reduce the number of such students.The article reflects the ideas of development of creative potential of students‘ personality in the process of their professional training. The state of the studied problem in pedagogical theory and practice is studied, perspective approaches to its solution are defined, the conceptual apparatus of research is specified. The state of the problem of students’ creative potential is analyzed. In the process of its development, we have identified the stages in the logic of the main trends. Ideas about creative potential of students’ personality are developed. The aspects of development of creative potential of personality of students are considered, pedagogical conditions of its formation, creation of the creative environment, inducements of reflexive activity, dialogization of educational process are allocated. There was conducted the survey and testing of students of Altai State Technical University and Altai Economics and Law Institute. The results of the study of the creative potential of students in the process of training in public and private universities are presented. These surveys and tests allowed the author to conclude that the type of educational institution does not significantly affect the proportion of students with explicit and empirically fixed creative potential. A survey of students of different courses, as well as a repeated survey of the same panel with minor sample losses showed that the number of students with the author’s analyzed criteria of creative potential varies between 25–35 percent. No more than 10–12 percent of respondents in both universities have all the necessary qualities. Half of respondents express these qualities poorly or asymmetrically, the fifth part of the surveyed students focused on noncreative study and professional career, shows obvious conformism. The grounds for the conclusion about the development of the creative potential of students in General is not enough, as evidenced by the specific weight of creative personalities in different courses. The author sees the reasons in the fact that, firstly, the basis for such development is laid earlier, before entering the University, and secondly, some students with creative potential are eliminated from the educational process for various reasons: lack of money for education, conflicts with the administration, etc. in a private University, despite the action of various circumstances, the proportion of students with creative potential remains quite stable, and in a state University there is a tendency to reduce the number of such students.
Keywords: creative potential of students personality, risk tendency, conscious choice of interesting and developing activities
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 166 — 174
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