DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-74-78
The article is devoted to the study of the anthropomorphic components that could be found as compound elements of the proper names in some languages of Ob-Yenissey area. In folklore, proper names are closely connected with culture and traditional life; they can reveal the pre-scientific understanding of human society, philosophy and religion. A distinctive feature of the folklore of the indigenous peoples of Siberia is that such characteristics of humanity as anthropomorphism and gender are possessed not only by people, but also by animals, gods, spirits, which is primarily reflected in proper names. The study of Khanti folklore helped to reveal some repeated lexemes or parts of lexemes that could be called anthropomorphic markers. E.g. iki – is used to denote masculine, imi – is used to denote feminine. Such anthropomorphic components with the similar meaning are presented in the Selkup language: ira – means old man, kota – means old woman. In the Ket folklore one can find such lexems as: ket/get – human, deng – people, bat – old man, hun’ – daughter, hyp – son, am – mother, bam – woman and some others. The same lexemes were also found in some other Siberian languages, e.g. in Nganasan: Tәmuŋku – bәjkaa (mouse-oldman). The study of anthropomorphic components in the folklore makes it possible to show, that the anthropomorphism was common for native Siberian people. It was expressed in the transfer of physical properties and psychological qualities of a person, on the inanimate objects, as well as on living beings and supernatural creatures.
Keywords: anthropomorphism, proper name, Siberian languages, folklore of Ob-Yenissey area
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 74 — 78
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