DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-78-83
Introduction. The study of discourse typology is one of the advanced research lines in communicative linguistics. Engineering communication is becoming a subject of increased focus for linguists due to its rapid development driven by dynamic changes in technology, society and industry, which is resulted in continuous exchange of information between the members of the engineering society. Despite the significant number of discourse studies in different social institutions, engineering discourse remains an understudied area as Russian researchers traditionally consider it as a part of the scientific or scientific and technical discourse. In view of the fact that discourse is translated into certain genres, and genres, in turn, are always included into a certain discourse field, authors propose the idea that the engineering discourse provides a series of particular core genres which reflect the values, strategy and information of engineering communication and make it distinct from the scientific discourse. The paper addresses the distinguishing characteristics in lexical organization of the technical standard to reveal the fact that the genre of standard meets the goals of engineering communication. Material and methods. As the empiric material of the research 184 pages of running Russian standards for the engineering technology and equipment were used. The texts of the standards were exploited as the subject matter for discourse analysis. Content analysis as a general research technique provided the identification of the quantitative aspect in the lexical structure of technical standards. The efficiency of this technique was proven by international schools of discourse analysis and by national researchers as well. Results and discussion. The analysis of the lexical structure of standards revealed the key discursive aspects of the studied genre, which identified the standard as a core genre of engineering discourse. Conclusion. As to performed analysis, the technical standard genre meets the primary goal of professional communication in the engineering field. The peculiar characteristics of the genre studied are determined by the demands of discourse and communicative situation as well.
Keywords: engineering discourse, institutional discourse, LSP, speech genres
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 78 — 83
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