DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-2-111-116
Introduction. The syntax of the Selkup language has long remained a “white spot” on the linguistic map of the Samoyed linguistics. Phonology, morphology and vocabulary of Selkup dialects have repeatedly been the subject of scientific researches by representatives of various scientific linguistic schools. Much fewer scientific works are devoted to research of the syntactic features of the Selkup language, and most of this small number are based on material from the Northern dialects, while the Central and Southern dialects of the Selkup language have long remained out of the view of linguists. These factors make the study relevant. Material and methods. The material of the study are 30 four-line racy folk rhymes in the Narym dialect of the Selkup language. The main methods of the research are popular scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and specific scientific (linguistic) methods: comparative, descriptive, method of immediate constituent analysis. Results and discussions. A brief overview of the syntax studies of different dialects of the Selkup language is presented, structural analysis of the texts of the four-line racy folk rhymes of the Narym Selkups is carried out, word order is analyzed, repetition as one of the main folklore techniques is considered. In terms of structure, 60.9 % of the sentences analyzed are two-part sentences, 39.1 % are one-part sentences. The most frequent word order in two-part sentences is SVO (16.66 %), in the second place is SOV (7 %), in the third - OSV (4.7 %); there are very few sentences with word order OVS (2.38 %). The most frequent repetitions revealed in the study are concentrating repetitions. Conclusion. A four-line racy folk rhyme as a special folklore genre borrowed from the Russians became widespread among the Narym Selkups. This genre is expected to have rhyme and influences the structural and syntactic organization of the sentence. Repetitions serve the function of structural organization of the text of a fourline racy folk rhyme, highlighting the most significant content components, and are less involved in its syntactic organization.
Keywords: the Selkup language, a four-line racy folk rhyme, word order, repetition
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 111 — 116
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