DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-1-28-34
Introduction. The article is devoted to the consideration of the semantic-cognitive and functional-pragmatic features of somatisms in the texts of Russian folklore lyric songs. The object of scientific description is the semantics of somatisms as markers of national identity, which receives conceptual comprehension in connection with its study in the aspect of genre-discursive originality of lyric songs. Aim and objectives. The aim of the research is to study the somatic code, explicated by the lexeme-somatism head in the folklore fragment of the Russian picture of the world, taking into account the genre-discursive conditionality of the functioning of this lexeme. Material and methods. 127 texts of Russian folklore lyric songs containing the lexeme-somatism head, selected by continuous sampling from a collection of lyric songs were used as the research material. The main research methods are observation methods, quantitative analysis, lexical-semantic analysis, elements of discourse and conceptual analysis are used. Results and discussion. The starting point of the study was the thesis that somatisms have not only linguistic, speech, but also linguoculturological and linguo-cognitive status. Somatisms are rightfully defined as linguistic markers of the cultural code of Russian identity and a fragment of the national picture of the world. In the meaning of most Russian somatisms, there is a pronounced national-cultural component of meaning. The lexeme-somatism head belongs to the content of especially significant somatisms, since in the linguistic picture of the world it implements conceptual concepts that are important for understanding the mentality of the Russian people: «the owner of the family» (at the head of the family), «the main person in the house» (at the head of the table), «trait of a national character” (rave head), etc. These interpretations have the specificity of implementation in lyric songs of different genre and discursive nature. The last parameter is defined as extralinguistic, related directly to the thematic content of each specific text. The last parameter is defined as extralinguistic, related directly to the thematic content of each specific text. Among the genre varieties of lyric songs are analyzed love, family, military, workers, anticlerical, coachman, burlak lyric songs, songs about village holidays, about everyday life. The study also revealed common features that reflect the functioning of the head somatism in the lyric songs in general. These features are due to a special kind of lyricism: penetration, reflexivity, heightened feelings of the author, the ultimate subjectivism of the narrative. Conclusion. The study of somatisms in the aspect of their culturological marking makes it possible to identify the specifics of their semantics, pragmatics and functioning in texts of different genre and discursive orientation. The interpretation of the somatic code of Russian culture by means of an analysis of somatisms is deepened and objectified in the context of the genre-discursive approach.
Keywords: somatic culture code, somatisms, folklore texts, Russian folklore lyric songs, genre
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 28 — 34
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