DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-2-31-38
Introduction. The problem of designing educational clusters of an educational type that use the values of traditional culture and pedagogy in their activities is an important part of the humanitarian and value-based cultural approach in the modern educational process. The Institute of Public Education via a network event based on network interaction as a cluster educational system can be an innovative technology that develops new network conditions for the formation of a value-based model of a student’s personality. The objective is to develop approaches to the development of an educational cluster of a value-based type in the conditions of the interaction of general and additional education using the basic standard FSES-2 based on our own experience, as well as modern scientific views on the structure, methodology and organizational conditions for the development of educational clusters. Material and methods. Cluster-type network interaction is structurally a system and as a system assumes mandatory qualities, such as responsiveness, mobility, adaptability, complementarity, etc. This leads to the use of the methodology of the system approach and the system analysis of network phenomena and processes when modeling an educational type cluster. The results of the study. Based on the use of the methodology of system analysis of social and cultural phenomena and processes taking place in partner institutions, as well as modern approaches to the development of the educational network such as: resource, target, person-centered in the cultural and axiological context, we get a model of personality development based on the formation of value orientations of schoolchildren. The construction of an educational space of a pedagogical cluster of an educational type constitutes the conditions of this modelling. Conclusion. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of a Russian citizen’s personality assumes that the basic standard is implemented both through the educational space of a general education school and the educational space of an institution of additional education for children, which can be implemented through a variety of additional educational programs and subprograms in network interaction. Each educational program (subprogram) is carried out in the following five directions: school classroom activities; extracurricular activities (cultural practices); social practices; education based on family traditions; introduction to the fundamentals of traditional Russian religions. All this can be implemented through a network educational event, since in network interaction a network event is one of the conditions for its development, in our case a network event associated with folk culture – the recreation and holding of a folk holiday. Such a network event can be modeled, it is organically included in the educational system of our network model.
Keywords: network activity, network resources, cluster, network event, educational environment, ethno-cultural model
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 31 — 38
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