DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-5-116-122
Introduction. Digitalization of education is in demand due to the new didactic capabilities of computer technologies. However, so far there are extremely few examples of describing the pedagogical experience of teachers in this direction. The use of animated drawings in algebra lessons of the 7th grade contributes to the formation of a personality ready to unleash its creative potential in the digital economy. At the same time, interested students can be offered an educational and research task to create animated drawings under the guidance of a teacher. The aim of the research is to present fragments of algebra lessons in the 7th grade using animation drawings made in the GeoGebra environment. Material and methods. The study and analysis of literature on the use of dynamic drawings in teaching mathematics at school, summarizing the author’s experience in testing the elements of the methodology for teaching algebra in the 7th grade using animated drawings, which are elements of the digitalization of school education. Results and discussion. The author uses concrete examples to present a new technology of teaching using animated drawings in algebra lessons of the 7th grade. Conclusion. The analysis of school textbooks on mathematics of different years has shown that there are significantly more illustrations in modern textbooks: drawings, diagrams, graphs, drawings depicting figures, bodies and their intersections. We observe the principle of clarity in its development. Today, computer technologies allow us to take the next step in this direction and move from stationary drawings to animated ones. The use of new teaching technology using animated drawings in algebra lessons of the 7th grade increases the level of understanding and assimilation of knowledge by providing clarity of mathematical concepts and statements, eliminating undesirable computational difficulties, conducting operational testing. Animated drawings help the teacher to create the same type of tasks with a predictable solution. They provide opportunities for experimentation and support for an experimental research style of learning. All this makes it relevant to create animated content for conducting math lessons at school. Consequently, the systematic use of computer technology in teaching mathematics increases the active participation of students in research work. The material of the article can be considered as a contribution to the solution of this methodological problem.
Keywords: Numerical expressions, polygames, systems of linear equations, GeoGebra environment, animated drawings, digital education
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 116 — 122
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