To the question of the mechanisms of organizational and methodical support of training teachers for work in rural schools by means of the Master’s degree program of pedagogical university
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-5-84-92
The development of rural schools as the main group of Russian general education organizations has led to the task of forming a modern human resource with not only subject-specialized competencies, but also readiness for professional activity in the field of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process, including means of digital didactics, organization of the process of self-improvement, etc. Professional development, the formation of pedagogical skills of a teacher in modern conditions of school in rural areas is possible only through his continuous education. One of the stages of formal continuing education for teachers of rural schools is a master’s degree. The purpose of this work is to systematize scientific ideas about the mechanisms of organizational and pedagogical support for the preparation of teachers to work in a rural school by means of a master’s degree of a pedagogical university. In the article, by means of theoretical analysis, the scientific knowledge about the peculiarities of rural schools in the conditions of modern complex structural changes is systematized, the specifics of the professional pedagogical activity of this group of teachers are highlighted. The position is proved that one of the mechanisms of professional development of a rural school teacher is a master’s degree with a specialized educational program. On the basis of historical and pedagogical analysis, a systematics of the leading mechanisms for supporting the professional development of a rural school teacher is proposed (including scientific and methodological, organizational and pedagogical, etc.), technologies, forms of its implementation (tutoring, curatorship, mentoring, etc.), the concept of organizational and methodological support of the educational process as the activity of actors in the design and implementation of interaction between subjects is introduced (students, coordinators, teachers), by means of the developed complex organizational and methodological activities aimed at improving its effectiveness. The content of organizational and methodological support of the educational process developed for undergraduates of Tomsk State Pedagogical University is analyzed. The implementation of this master’s program, including the author’s model of organizational and methodological support, will effectively solve both the tasks of training new professionals for the modern system of rural education, and create conditions for the formation of future researchers in the field of rural school pedagogy.
Keywords: a teacher, pedagogy of a rural school, mechanisms for supporting the professional development of a teacher, organizational and methodological support, master’s degree of a pedagogical university
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 84 — 92
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