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1 | The article is dedicated to corrections of the church books, done in Russian Orthodox Church during the reign of patriarch Nikon in 1655–1666 which caused church schism. The author analyses the correction of some church book – Chasoslov, and also place and role of the changes to church text abreast reasons, led to schism of Church in XVII. | 1531 | ||||
2 | The article is dedicated to the particularities of the orthodox church text as a component part of religious service, role of the text in shaping the religious consciousness. It considers the particularities and the main features of the orthodox religious consciousness and mechanisms of this consciousness operation in modern society. | 1233 | ||||
3 | The article is dedicated to textual study aspect of church reform of Patriarchy Nikon (1654–1666). It considerers the changes, contributed by the reformers into the text of one of the main orthodox church books Prayer-Book, peculiarities of Nikon’s edition in comparison with more early editions of the XVIIth century. | 1110 | ||||
4 | The article is devoted to the problems of modern condition of rural ungraded schools. The authors offer to search the background of current problems in the historic past of Russia and they define several stages in development of ungraded schools: the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century; 1917-1930; 1930-1958; 1958-2001; from 2001 till nowadays. The classification is based on the role of the state and society in creation, support and providing activity of the schools in villages. Keywords: education, ungraded school, history of pedagogics, state educational policy | 1228 | ||||
5 | In article are considered questions of the teaching to religions with standpoint culturology approach. They Are Shown possibility and advantage the phenomenology for teaching the theories and histories to religions. They Are Considered also main problems of the study to religions in rural school in social and cultural aspect Keywords: teaching in a rural school, religious studies, cultural studies, aphenomenological approach to religion | 1351 | ||||
6 | The article is devoted to methodological problems of studying the religious consciousness in relation to the study of sacred text. It shows possibilities of application to the analysis of sacred text methods of structuralism and hermeneutics. Keywords: sacred text, religious consciousness, structuralism, hermeneutics | 1099 | ||||
7 | The article is devoted to the interaction of the understanding of time in a religious cult and the understanding of time in the culture. Discusses the characteristics of the time in a religious cult. Examines the impact of the understanding of time in the culture of the religious cult on the example of the liturgical reforms of patriarch Nikon. Keywords: culture, a religious cult, the time, the liturgical reforms of patriarch Nikon | 1102 | ||||
8 | The article considers the liturgical reforms of patriarch Nikon in connection with the idea of orthodox kingdom. Explores the understanding of the orthodox kingdom patriarch Nikon and the manifestation of this understanding in the “correction”, the liturgical texts on the example of the Trebnik. Keywords: orthodoxy, the liturgical reforms of patriarch Nikon, the liturgical texts, the Trebnik, orthodox kingdom | 1248 | ||||
9 | The article considers the liturgical reforms of Patriarch Nikon in the theological aspect. The peculiarities of the impact of the liturgical text on the person and formation by the text of the fundamental religious beliefs, connected with the concept of deity. Keywords: Orthodoxy, liturgical reforms of Patriarch Nikon, the liturgical texts, theology | 1234 | ||||
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11 | The article considers the principle of reverse perspective and its impact on the features of visual presentation of Orthodoxy. It concludes that the main way to transmit religious values in Orthodoxy is the creation of sacred spaces. It shows the role of reverse perspective in the transmission of religious values in the history of Orthodoxy in modern conditions. Keywords: Orthodoxy, visual presentation of religious confession, intercultural communication, reverse perspective, performativity, religious values | 1105 | ||||
12 | The article considers the role and place of the visual text in religious rituals, its interaction with other elements of the religious ritual and the role of the broadcast of religion in the cultural environment. On the example of Orthodoxy we deal with the visual text in the structure of religious ritual, aspects of its interaction with the verbal text, the role of visual text in spreading the religion. The conclusion is made about the indissoluble unity of the visual text with other elements in the religious ritual, dynamic interaction with them, as well as the priority role of the visual text in the translation of religion in culture. Keywords: religious ritual, visual text, verbal text, sacred space, religious culture, Orthodoxy | 1108 | ||||
13 | The subject of this article is the possibilities of visual anthropology, the study of religious worship. Prospects of visual anthropology in this area are linked to the role of the visual element in the cult: its determining influence on education meanings, leading role in the dissemination of religious values in the culture. Analyses available achievements in studying the visual component of the cult in relation to Orthodox worship, and prospects of formation of new methodological approaches to the study of the cult. The conclusion is that due to the strategic role of the visual component, the search for new methods for the study of the cult can be done in a visual field. Keywords: visual anthropology, religious experience, a religious cult, the Orthodox Liturgy, spatial icon, reverse perspective | 1044 | ||||
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