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1 | The article is devoted to additional methodical preparation of the students V of a rate to work in conditions of profile school on the basis of development and realization of a special rate: Profile training and preparation of the future teacher. In clause there is a speech about changes in a society connected to them by new tasks of education, about functions of profile school, her of a history in Russia. The contents of a special rate is given, the questions considere during realization of a rate are designated. Given clause will be useful both teachers, and students of pedagogical high schools interested by a problem of preparation of the teacher’s staff for work in conditions of profile training | 1294 | ||||
2 | The article is devoted to the organization of work with gifted children in physics and mathematics at the Centre of additional education at the pedagogical university in Tomsk. There are principles of organization of the educational environment on the basis of the preliminary analysis of the features of gifted children. Keywords: talented children, additional education, educational environment, pedagogical university, physics and mathematics education | 1127 | ||||
3 | The article offers a model of social support of gifted children in physics, ensuring academic mobility of students. We consider the structure, the elements of the model, the classification of forms of mobility, testing in the framework of the activities of the Center of additional education at the pedagogical university in Tomsk. Keywords: gifted children, social-pedagogical support, academic mobility, physical and mathematical education, pedagogical university, model | 1123 | ||||
4 | The article considers the problems and trends of contemporary higher professional education, in particular, in training teachers. The were identified suggestions for the modern model of teacher education, on the example of the creation of the complex of continuous physical and mathematical education. Keywords: model of teacher education, continuous education, non-formal education, informal education, complex of physical and mathematical education | 1406 | ||||
5 | At Tomsk State Pedagogical University the third year operates the center for physics, mathematics and science Education. The main activities of the centre are connected with the complementary education of students and teachers. The article considers the forms of participation of students in the activities of the centre and the importance of this interaction for the formation of competence of future teachers. Keywords: training of students of pedagogical university, building professional experience, students’ work with schoolchildren, formation of pedagogical skills | 1118 | ||||
6 | The article discusses how to prepare students of the 9th grade for the State final examination in physics in the environment of additional education at the university. In particular training course describes the GIA (labs) on the basis of the Center for Complementary Physics and Mathematics and Science Study, Tomsk State Pedagogical University. In particular there is a description of the training course for the State final examination (laboratory work) at the Centre for additional physics and mathematics and science education at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: state final examination, to prepare students for State final examination in physics, physical experiment, laboratory work | 1030 | ||||
7 | Introduction. The modern level of convergence of sciences and technologies leads to changes in the content of school subjects and their new synthesis in the educational process. In regional school practice, new interdisciplinary connections and integrated courses are emerging, partially provided with methodological materials. The conditions and results of the development of convergent education in the region should be taken into account when preparing future teachers. The opening of pedagogical quantoriums and technoparks on the basis of higher pedagogical education organizations as a condition for the material and technical support of the educational process contributes to the formation of a broad natural science worldview of students-teachers. The analysis of research in the field of convergent education will allow us to form an idea of a new educational paradigm, to determine ways to transform the process of training a school teacher. Aim and objectives. To study the practices of implementing convergent learning in the general education process, as well as requests for training teachers with new qualities that allow the teacher to introduce these technologies into the educational process. Material and methods. The research methods were: a survey containing questions with a choice of one or multiple answers, and with free answers; grouping of answers; clustering of opinions, judgments and assessments; generalization and analysis. Results and discussion. Based on the conducted research, a rating of specialized education and integrated courses was established in 19 schools. The continuity of integration education between primary and high schools, opportunities and deficits for development has been established. Respondents see the best opportunity to implement convergent education in the implementation of project-based learning. Courses and events are equally evaluated. Conclusion. The conclusions obtained on the basis of the analysis of the research results allow us to assert that there are deficits: experimental activities in existing convergent school courses; carriers of interdisciplinary knowledge; integration of such school subjects as Technology – Robotics, Physics – Biology; equipping with teaching materials. At the same time, the positive trend that has emerged in the region in displaying the convergence of natural and exact sciences in school and university education, revealing the relationship of these sciences with technologies on the example of megaprojects, allows us to assert the possibility of solving problems. The results obtained will enrich future teachers with additional knowledge and universal competencies. Keywords: convergent education at school, profile training, teacher training, integration of science and technology, integrated course, interdisciplinary approach | 745 | ||||
8 | The article provides a description of the professional path of the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University Rumbeshta Elena Anatolyevna. The scientific activity of the scientist-teacher in the field of theory and methods of teaching physics is covered. The activity of a talented teacher, who proved himself as a teacher-mentor in relation to students and teachers of physics, is presented. For more than forty years Rumbeshta E. A. was a leading teacher of methodological disciplines of innovative courses in teaching physics at a university and school. She worked as a physics teacher, supervised pedagogical research at schools and universities in Tomsk. She connected students to research activities, the result of which was practice-oriented term papers, theses and scientific articles on the methodology of teaching physics. Rumbeshta E. A. the educational and methodological complex of the main discipline “Methods of teaching physics” was updated: a system of methodological training of students in studying a school physical experiment was developed, lectures with general and particular questions were published, many scientific and educational works were published based on the results of the work of a teacher-researcher. The active position of Elena Anatolyevna regarding the improvement of the training of teachers and highly qualified personnel is reflected, her initiatives that have been developed in the educational environment of Tomsk are given. Active activity in the scientific and educational center of pedagogical research in physics and mathematics education is revealed, scientific cooperation with colleagues from Russian and foreign universities is described. The results of the activities of Elena Anatolyevna as a scientist and organizer at the Center of the DFMiENO in the preparation of teacher-researchers in the framework of work with problem-creative groups of teachers are presented; organization and holding of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference “Teaching natural sciences, mathematics and informatics at the university and school.” Keywords: physics teacher training, theory and methods of teaching physics, problem-activity approach, physics experiment | 550 |