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1 | This article describes the transformation of the Soviet out-of-school education system to the Russian afterschool education system. It contains a historical material of occurrence and development of the out-of-school establishments in the USSR. The author compares tasks, forms and structure of work of both systems, analyzes afterschool education’s legal norms. The special attention was given to the revelation of the common and other features of the establishments of out-of-school education and the establishments of the afterschool education activities. Keywords: out-of-school education, afterschool education. pedagogics, history, USSR, Russian Federation | 1401 | ||||
2 | This article describes the formation of the Soviet out-of-school education system in Tomsk region. It contains historical material of occurrence and development of the out-of-school establishments. The author analyzes tasks, forms and structure of work of the out-of-school education’s establishments. The special attention is given to the interaction between the out-of-school education’s establishments and the authorities. Keywords: Tomsk region, out-of-school establishments, XX century, after-school education | 1199 | ||||
3 | In this article the author analyzes the potential of the establishments of an additional education in professional guidance sphere. The historical-pedagogical analysis is spent on materials of «pedagogical classes» which work now within the limits of an additional education. The author traces changes of purpose and problems in the activities of pedagogical classes throughout the XX-th century, characterises their work during the different historical periods and shows pedagogical classes as the important means of professional counselling. Keywords: additional education, pedagogical class, vocational counselling, pedagogics | 1118 | ||||
4 | The article describes the origin of extra-training education during the pre-revolutionary period. The text of this article is based on the analysis of the new archival materials, and that has allowed revealing regional aspects of Tomsk region extra-training education. It is proved that Tomsk region was one of the leading national centres of extra-training education in the end of 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries. Keywords: extra-training education, out-of-school work, Tomsk region, origin, pedagogic history, archival materials | 1325 | ||||
5 | Based on the archival materials, this article describes the innovative experience by the Tomsk doctor and counsellor V.S. Pirussky in organizing summer children colonies, which are the recreation camps for physically weak teenage city children. The organizational-pedagogical ideas of this scientist are analysed for the possible interest of contemporary social work enthusiasts, teachers, physicians and managers. Keywords: Vladislav Stanislavovich Pirussky, summer children colonies, practices for recreation and upbringing, social pedagogy, history of pedagogy | 1254 | ||||
6 | The article presents the results of Tomsk scientist and social counselor V. S. Pirussky’s research about medical and pedagogic approach to the problem of organizing the educational handicraft, aimed at rehabilitation and development of children and adolescents. After thorough studying of archival sources, the author inferred that the understanding of craft as a means of physical education of students allowed V. S. Pirussky to create the original education program, including age-classification of craft and characterization of the educational effects of craft. Keywords: Vladislav S. Pirussky, medical and pedagogic approach, craft, handicraft, physical education, health preservation, history of pedagogy | 1144 | ||||
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8 | The article describes the activity of the Tomsk pioneer headquarters. It was a children’s self-governed organization, which was founded in 1969 by a prominent young pioneer leader and teacher Oleg Pirozhkov. The headquarters lasted till 1989 and achieved considerable success in training of young pioneer activists, who were able to overcome excessive formalities of “official” children’s movement. The headquarters also produced a great number of educational structures, which left their mark in the history of Tomsk society. Activist’s headquarters, formed of self-organization that were innovative to the Soviet period, were not aimed at ideological education of young people, now there is the reason why their practices are of great interest to the students, postgraduates, professors, scholars, young pioneer leaders, specialists in youth policy, teachers and the reading public. Keywords: Tomsk pioneer headquarters, Oleg Pirozhkov, history of pedagogy, out-of-school pedagogy, extratraining education | 1120 |