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1 | Social pedagogic in Russia was officially founded in 1989. and that's why it is a new sphere of scientific and practical activity. The appearance of social pedagogic here in Russia is conditioned by the crisis of the whole social system. However social pedagogic wasn't begun with the zero, it has deep historical roots, traditions in Russia. For many years different models of social, legal, psychology-pedagogical and different others prospects of help to people especially to children were worked out Form, Subject and methods of social upbringing of the rising generation of different categories of children were improved theoretical foundation of this scientific branch was laid. This article will elucidate the stages of formation of the social pedagogic in Russia. | 1368 | ||||
2 | The specialization «Social Pedagogics» has been includ¬ed in classificator of profession line and directions of high professional education since 1991. In TSPU the training of such specialists has been conducted since 1994. Since 2001 the preparation of the specialization «Social-Psychological Consulting of population» has began within the framework of specialization «Social Pedagogics». In the given article the qualification of the given professional education which was made by the leading chair, including the professional assign and qualified demands to the specialist, whom the Tomsk State Pedagogical University prepares. Keywords: - | 1284 | ||||
3 | The article considers the technological aspects of the organization of independent work of students, which is the leading form of organization of modern educational process. It singles out the conditions of independent work activation, contributing to the formation of educational and professional competence. Keywords: independent work of students, technology of organization of students independent work, professional competence, learning strategies | 2215 | ||||
4 | The article characterizes the activities of students’ group mentor from the position of the concept “training” and the conditions of its organization in high school. The author considers functional responsibilities and types of curators, the main components of the system of curator, established in most national high schools. Guidelines to improve the curators’ activities are given. Keywords: educational work, curator of the students’ group, curator’s functions, psychoeducational support. | 1453 | ||||
5 | Children and parents survey results are observed and analyzed to evaluate services provided by children health and leisure agencies in Tomsk region in 2013. The pressing problems and its handling are distinguished on the basis of research data evaluation and generalization. Keywords: summer children leisure, children health and leisure agencies, service quality | 1163 | ||||
6 | The article presents eight-year expererience of Tomsk State Pedagogical University for organizing children’s activities in the communities. It demostrates substantive and organizational-methodical implementation features of sports and recreational components of the discussed social and pedagogical practices. The data of empirical research, reflecting the effects of sports and recreational summer camps for children in residential areas. The prospects for research in the context of scientific and pedagogical knowledge related to sports and recreation aspects of summer recreation for children in the community. Keywords: physical recreation activities , organization of summer camps for children, children’s playground | 1242 | ||||
7 | The dynamics of the participation of children’s rest and rehabilitation organizations of the Tomsk region in the annual regional review-competition in order to assess the quality of their work is examined and analyzed. Currently evaluating the activities of children’s health camps is carried out by the expert Commission established in the area of interagency working group. The competition is characterized by the establishment of certain criteria for evaluation of activities of children’s health camps: it and security recreation and health of children, as well as the pedagogical content of children’s activities. The contest consists of several stages to demonstrate the best practices as well. Every year the competition reveals new leaders among organizations for summer recreation and health of children, but camps can become the best of them. Based on the analysis and synthesis of the experience of review-competition organization the authors identify the problems and aligning trends in the development of the competition itself and their impact on the development of the organization sphere of the children’s rest and health promotion on the territory of the Tomsk region. Keywords: the organization of the children’s rest and health promotion, the review-competition of the children health organizations, the activities of the CHO (children health organizations) | 1063 | ||||
8 | The paper presents the well-reasoned viewpoint on the modern strategy and resources for developing career guidance practice in Tomsk Region for pupils with pedagogical abilities and motivation for teaching activity. The authors specify the historical and pedagogical preconditions of the career guidance system development in commitment to teaching profession. The project initiative of Tomsk State Pedagogical University which reflects the organisational and methodical mechanisms of the suggested strategy realisation is described. The authors indicate the experience and prospects for the project implementation. Keywords: human resources of the regional education system, teaching profession, career guidance for pupils motivated for teaching activity | 1103 |