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1 | We study a generic chiral-antichiral superfiled model on N=1/2 deformed superspace. The model is formulated in terms of arbitrary Kahler potential and arbitrary chiral and antichiral superpotentials. A component structure of the model is found. One-loop effective action in low-energy approximation is considered at constant background fields. The divergent and finite contributions to effective action are calculated | 1154 | ||||
2 | This work is a brief review of superfield methods applications for the deformed theory, adapted for nonanticommutative case. The algorithm of the finding componental lagrangian on the example of the general D = 4, N = 1/2 supersymmetric chiral-antichiral model formulated in terms of arbitrary Kachler potential, chiral and antichiral superpotentials. Further procedure of research of quantum aspects of the general chiral superfield model is resulted into one-loop effective action and missing and final contributions. Thus we use the technics of calculations keeping structure of modified product at all stages of the quantum analysis. Keywords: The supersymmetric theory of the field, the deformed superspace, non-anticommutative theory | 1006 | ||||
3 | We briefly review a gauge-invariant approach to calculating the one-loop effective action for supersymmetric gauge models formulated on N = 1/2 superspace. Construction of the effective action is based on use of manifestly covariant methods such that superfield background field method and proper time technique in non-anticommutative superspace. As the applications of general construction, the calculation of one-loop effective action for deformed supersymmetric Yang-Mills model is carried out. Keywords: effective action, supersymmetric field theory, non-anticommutative theory, deformed superspace | 1025 | ||||
4 | The notion of effective action is central for research of many aspects of quantum field theory models. The exact definition of the effective Lagrangian guarantees the exact solution of the corresponding quantum theory model and in the general case it is not possible. Thereby, the problem of effective action finding is now considered as an independent direction within the framerwork of the quantum theory. Consequently, there is a need to develop superfield methods of constructing effective action and improve the already existing. This paper proposes the method for constructing of the one-loop effective action of N = 1 of supersymmetric field theories which allows to find superfield effective Lagrangian as an expansion in supercovariant derivative background superfields. As an example of the general technique application we calculate the low-energy action of N = 1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Keywords: effective action, supersymmetric field theory, Yang-Mills model | 911 | ||||
5 | For visual interpretation of deformed non anticommutative N = 1/2 supersymmetric theories as a standard field models and distinctive features research of their dynamics it is necessary to output component Lagrange function formula of this theory effect. The definition of component structure of non anticommutative theory is quite an unconventional technical problem because of N = 1/2 non anticommutative deformation the given superspace and therefore requires special analysis. Let us study Lagrange function form of non anticommutative general superfield model of chiral and antichiral superfields on the base of deformed N = 1/2 non anticommutative superspace. The model is formulated in terms of undirected Kahler’s potential and chiral and antichiral superpotentials which were decomposed in series according to superfields with allowance for imputed deformation. They assay the analysis of component structure of deformed Lagrange function of the given model and find quite a simple and compact form fore register Lagrange function theory. Keywords: supersymmetry, component action, chiral and antichiral model | 880 |