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1 | The article explores I.I. Kozlov's «assumed» translated texts as a specific adaptation translation genre of English lyrical works to the Russian poetic reality. There have been analyzed the adaptation mechanisms which allowed longterm functioning of some of his translations in the national Russian literature as original Russian texts. Keywords: Romantic poetic translation, «assumed» translated texts, adaptive translations, genres of translation, genre russification | 1146 | ||||
2 | The article explores the mechanisms of creating and functioning of I. I. Kozlov’s individual translator’s myth concerning the creative works and personality of D. G. Byron. I. I. Kozlov is known as one of the early Russian byronists. Appearing of this myth is viewed as a result of using various strategies of translation and adaptation of English poetry into Russian. Keywords: Romanticism translation, strategies of adaptation, translator’s myth. I. I. Kozlov | 1185 |