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1 | Results of contrastive analysis of French and Russian Fashion catalogues through speech genre are presented. For the first time contrastive analysis has been transferred from the language plane to that of speech. | 1174 | ||||
2 | The discourse of the French and Russian Fashion catalogues analyzed in the article has a complex nature been formed in the complex interaction of discourses of Fashion, advertisement and mail. The structural-linguistic approach to the analysis of the fashion catalogue characterizes it as a structural unity and a macrostructure. The cognitive-semantic analysis considers the Fashion catalogue as a micro world, as a model of life style and family traditions. The lingual stylistic analysis determines the inner hierarchy of the Fashion catalogue as a unity of styles and genres, as a complex stylistic continuum. | 1265 | ||||
3 | The fashion сatalogue’ communication which is structured by genres, is the part of culture. The speech genre is the priority object to examine culture and speech. Adequate interpretation of the speech genres (especially their comparison) is impossible without consideration of the culturological aspects of genres, i. e. aspects of the problem “Genre and Culture”. Keywords: speech genre, culture, fashion, discourse, comparison – culturological study | 1193 | ||||
4 | The article deals with the French tourist discourse that is one of the kinds of the institutional discourse. Its complex discursive nature generates a variety of speech genre forms. The speech genre is considered to be an analysis unit. Keywords: tourism, discourse, speech genre, functional style, analysis unit | 1210 | ||||
5 | Teaching students translation is always a topical task. Before beginning to translate it is necessary to perform a preliminary text analysis to determine its functional style and speech genre. In this case, the speech genre is considered to be a translation unit. Keywords: translation teaching, speech genre, preliminary analysis, text, translation unit | 1088 | ||||
6 | The article deals with the translation of professional texts, in particular, the translation of the French fashion catalogue into Russian. The fashion catalogue is the part of national culture. The characteristic features of its translation are associated with the translation of the realities, the terms and the colour terms. Keywords: translation, fashion, catalogue, professional text, reality, term, colour term | 1068 | ||||
7 | The article deals with the institutional Fashion discourse as one of complex communicative phenomena. This kind of discourse generates a variety of genre forms. In this article the speech genre is considered to be an analysis unit. Keywords: fashion discourse, speech genre, fashion catalog, genre differentiation | 1198 | ||||
8 | The article deals with the formation of communicative competence of students in the course of teaching them to foreign written speech for professional purposes. The authors consider the communicative and active approach to be the most efficient one in teaching foreign written speech for special and professional purposes. Keywords: teaching, foreign language, communicative competence, written speech, communicative and active approach | 1119 | ||||
9 | The article deals with creolized texts consisting of verbal and nonverbal (paragraphemic) elements. With a change of the scientific paradigm studying of a language with its links with other semiotic systems, including non-verbal code becomes very topical. The main method of creolization of a text is to combine a verbal means and an image into a coherent whole linguo-visual formation. A fashion catalogue is a typical creolized text created by the model of: a verbal text is equal to an image. That means that it is primarily created as a creolized text where the verbal and the visual components are specially selected for their interaction. A photographic image for fashion catalogue clients (readers) has a greater degree of significance, than a verbal (written) text. Here colour plays a special role, its psychological language creates a mood, evokes emotions and has symbolic meanings. Keywords: text, creolized text, linguo-visual elements, verbal and nonverbal means, paralinguistics, semiotics, polycode phenomena, paragraphemics, heterogeneous text, communication | 1236 | ||||
10 | Communication in the professional sphere such as architecture has a multiaspect characteristic and national specific nature. In this article the object under study is the French architectural discourse and the subject is its speech genre differentiation. The French architectural discourse is a formation with a complicated structure resulting from the interaction of various discourses e. g. architectural (planning and design), scientific, academic, legal (administrative), legislative, journalistic, advertising. Within the subgroup of the French architectural discourse one can find the polyphonic inclusions, disseminations of those belonging to history, the study of art, medicine, theatre, sport, cookery and etc. The complicated nature of the French architectural discourse has given birth to a variety of speech genre forms (nearly a hundred speech genres) and functional styles. The architectural vocabulary includes not only terminology but also metaphorical figurativeness. Keywords: architectural discourse, speech genre, functional style, professional communication | 972 | ||||
11 | Religion as the world outlook and the church as its main institute arose before all the institutes existing and functioning in the society now. The church and catholicism have greatly influenced French culture, 65 % of the population being catholics, 90 % of the cathedrals in France belonging to the Roman-catholic confession, the majority of the French holidays being religious. The article deals with the French religious discourse as one of the kinds of the institutional discourse, which is a complexly organized, multicomponent formation. The analysis of the Christian written language (religious Texts) from the view point of the modern theories of discourse and speech genres presented in the article has revealed a variety of the genre forms of the religious discourse. Keywords: religion, religious discourse, speech genre, functional style, analysis unit | 1014 | ||||
12 | French gastronomy is the pride of the French nation. The French cuisine traditions play a great role in the attractiveness of France and its culture and the development of gastronomic tourism. This article deals with the French gastronomy discourse as one of the kinds of the national discourse, which is a complexly organized, multi – composition formation, interaction of legislative (legal) discourse in the field of public dietary and foodstuff trade, publicity gastronomy discourse, restaurant discourse, scientific gastronomy discourse, academic (educational) discourse of the cookery art, gastronomic media art, commercial discourse. The leading role in the above group belongs to the gastronomy expert discourse proper in the sphere of professional communication. The complex discourse nature of the gastronomy discourse has given birth to a variety of genre forms. Keywords: gastronomy, gastronomy discourse, speech genre, functional style, food, cookery art, a unit of analysis | 1019 | ||||
13 | French perfumery art has centuries-old traditions and is the pride of the French nation. This article deals with the French perfumery discourse as one of the kinds of the institutional discourse, which is a complexly organized, multi – composition formation, an interaction of legislative (legal) discourse in the field of the production and trade of perfume goods), advertising perfumery discourse, scientific perfumery discourse, academic (educational) discourse of the perfumery art, perfumery media art, commercial discourse. The leading role in the above group belongs to the perfumery proper discourse in the sphere of professional communication. Within the subgroup of the French perfumery discourse one can find the polyphonic inclusions of historical, art, medical, musical, culinary and other discourses. The complex discourse nature of the perfumery discourse has given rise to a variety of genre forms. Keywords: smell, fragrance, perfume, perfumery, perfumery discourse, speech genre, functional style, a unit of analysis | 1073 | ||||
14 | Health factor is the priority value in society, and its preservation depends largely on drug supply, the pharmaceutical market of the state. The French pharmaceutical market is one of the largest in the world, it has more than 22.5 thousand pharmacies. The article deals with French pharmaceutical discourse as one of the kinds of institutional discourse, which is a complexly organized multicomponent formation, an interaction of legislative (legal) pharmaceutical discourse (in the field of drug production and trade of medicines), advertising and pharmaceutical discourse, scientific and pharmaceutical discourse, academic (educational) pharmaceutical discourse, media pharmaceutical discourse, commercial pharmaceutical discourse, pharmaceutical proper discourse. The leading role belongs to pharmaceutical proper discourse in the field of professional communication. Within the subgroup of French pharmaceutical discourse, one can find the polyphonic inclusions of historical, medical, chemical, encyclopedic, botanical, social discourses. The complex nature of pharmaceutical discursive discourse gave rise to the variety of genre forms. Keywords: pharmacy, pharmacist, pharmaceutical discourse, speech genre, drug, drug-store | 951 | ||||
15 | The relationship of language and culture is one of the most important issues of cultural linguistics and fits in the modern communicative anthropocentric paradigm. The article deals with the basic ethno-concepts in English and French, their verbalization on the material of proverbs and sayings, a comparative analysis of the language means of the national concept of “happiness” in the above two languages has been made, the common and specific features of English and French ethno-concepts have been revealed. Keywords: concept, ethno-concept, English national concepts, French national concepts | 992 | ||||
16 | Since the ancient times health has played a key role in human life and is the basic need. Keen scientific interest in the health problem is easily explained, because the task of modern medicine is the development of new effective methods of preservation people’s health and continuation of the human race in general. The object of the study of the article is the French medical discourse and the subject of the study is its speech genres. The French medical discourse is one of the institutional discourse types, which is a complex, multi-composition formation, interaction of advertising, medical academic, legislative (legal) discourse in the sphere of medicine, scientific and proper medical discourse. The leading role in the above group belongs to the medical discourse in the sphere of professional communication. The typical features of the medical discourse are professionalism, sacredness (the oath of Hippocrates), special ethics and conduct standards, a system of sacral signs (medical attributes), scientific character, accuracy, brevity, clarity, specific forms of communication between doctors, deontological orientation, tolerance, persuasiveness, linguotherapeutic orientation (orientation to “word treatment”) and the speech full of special medical terms. The complex discursive nature of the French medical discourse has generated a variety of genre forms. Keywords: medicine, health, discourse, medical discourse, speech genre | 1182 | ||||
17 | Cosmetology was born as a skill to look after one’s appearance, keep and underline one’s beauty with the help of various means and ways. In modern society where a special attention is paid to cosmetic beauty, the field of cosmetology producing and rending cosmetology services is flourishing. Cosmetology discourse is a type of professional communication connected with rending cosmetology services and creating (inventing), production (technology), advertising, protection, evaluation, marketing of cosmetology products. This discourse refers to hybrid, creolized discourse, using verbal, iconic and graphic codes. This article deals with French cosmetology discourse as one of the kinds of institutional discourse, which is a complexly organized and multi-component formation, the interaction of legislative (legal) discourse in the field of production, sale of cosmetics and rending cosmetology services, advertisement and cosmetology discourse, scientific and cosmetology discourse, academic cosmetology discourse, cosmetology media discourse, commercial discourse. The leading role belongs to the cosmetology discourse proper (esthetic medicine) in the sphere of professional communication. In its turn, each kind of the cosmetology discourse one can find polyphonic inclusions of the chemical (cosmetology), pharmaceutical, social, technical and other discourses. The complex discursive nature of the cosmetology discourse has generated a variety of genre forms. Keywords: cosmetology, discourse, beauty, care, health, speech genre | 1155 | ||||
18 | Health is the main value of modern society. The priority scientific direction of the third Millennium is the development in the medical sphere to find some ways to increase the average duration of human life. The significance of health problem is due to the need to develop the effective methods of fighting the diseases against which ones the medicine is powerless. The relevance of the topic choice is due to the unflagging interest in the discourse studies in modern linguistics as well as the role of British medicine in the world and the British health system. One of the leading countries in the field of medicine is Britain, whose health system is remarkable for its flexibility and equal treatment of all patients regardless of their nationality and social class. The research object of this article is the English medical discourse, the subject of the study is its genre differentiation. In modern native and foreign linguistics there are a various approaches to understanding of the term “discourse”. The English medical discourse belongs to the institutional discourses. The list of institutional discourses is quite extensive: political, diplomatic, administrative, legal, military, pedagogical, religious, mystical, medical, business, advertising, the discourse of Fashion, post, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, perfumery, gastronomic and others. The article considers the English medical discourse which represents the interaction of medical discourse proper, scientific and advertising medical, media discourse, legislative (legal), commercial, and academic discourses in the sphere of medicine. The leading role here belongs to the medical discourse proper. The medical discourse is characterized by the polyphonic inclusion of historical, encyclopedic, social and pharmaceutical discourses. The complex nature of the English medical discourse has generated a variety of genre forms. Keywords: medicine, health, discourse, medical discourse, speech genre | 1255 | ||||
19 | The development of the history of the hotel business is closely connected with travelling. French hospitality and hotel service have are world famous. France is considered to be a luxuary holiday destination for residents of other countries. This article deals with the French hotel discourse as one type of institutional discourse, which is a multicomponent complex organized hybrid discursive formation, born as a result of intertwining of the following discourses: legislative discourse (in the sphere of hotel business), French insurance discourse (in the sphere of hotel business), French administrative and managerial hotel (hotel proper) discourse, French scientific hotel discourse, French Academic (educational) hotel discourse, the French hotel media discourse, French hotel Internet discourse. The leading role here belongs to the hotel discourse proper in the sphere of professional communication. Whereas, within each subtype of the hotel discourse, it is possible to discover polyphonic inclusions of historical, art historical, culinary, social, tourist, design, architectural and other discourses. The French hotel discourse as a kind of institutional communication is a complex socio-cultural phenomenon that includes many life spheres of the modern society. In professional communication it is a speech implemented in institutional communication situations, i. e. it is the activity product of a group of people in the hotel service industry. The complex discursive nature of hotel discourse has generated a variety of genre forms. Keywords: hotel, discourse, hotel discourse, speech genre, a unit of analysis | 1001 | ||||
20 | The development of the world technological progress, the population increase, irrational use of the Earth’s natural resources have led to the emergence of serious problems in the sphere of ecology, therefore in particular, the preservation of natural environment of the society has became one of the most important issues for mankind. The emergence of the ecological discourse is referred to the number of symbolic culture phenomena and it is closely related to the formation of ecological consciousness. The communicative space of the ecological discourse is the interaction of legislative (legal) discourse, scientific, political, advertising ecological discourse, academic (teaching) ecological discourse, ecological media discourse. The ecological discourse is characterized by the polyphonic characteristic inclusions of social, pharmaceutical, chemical, technical, agricultural (agrarian), medical, veterinary, religious discourses. This discourse belongs to a mixed type of discourse, that have the features of institutional and personal discourses. The ecological discourse is a complex discursive, multi-dimensional, diverse construction, that can be attributed to the hybrid, polycode discourses. The French national ecological discourse is a part of the global environmental discourse. The characteristic features of the ecological discourse are professionality, termhood, scientificity, accuracy, clarity, cliché character, communication skills, creativity, sense of duty, argumentativeness, alertness, an emotional component, associativity, polyappealability. The complex discursive nature of the ecological discourse has generated a variety of genre forms. Keywords: ecology, discourse, environmental protection, environmental problems, speech genre | 1350 | ||||
21 | The French medical discourse refers to institutional discourses and results from the interaction of a number of other discourses, such as advertising, medical academic discourse, legislative (legal) discourse in the field of medicine, scientific medical discourse and the actual medical discourse. It is characterized by polyphonic inclusions of social, historical, pharmaceutical, encyclopedic discourses. The article deals with the French scientific medical discourse and its genre palette. The concept of «genre» originates in antiquity being many centuries-old. The «Father» of the term «speech genre» is M.M. Bakhtin, who created the theory of speech genres, which under the influence of a new paradigm in linguistics has undergone same changes in its development, but still remains in demand. Modern linguistics does not have an exhaustive classification of speech genres. There are many definitions of the speech genre depending on the trend of the study. We consider that, the speech genre is a model, a canon, a relatively stable thematic, compositional and stylistic type of expression. Due to the heterogeneity of genre forms are different: macro-genre (hyper-genre), complex genre, nuclear genre, subgenre. The article deals with written speech genres of the French medical scientific discourse such as «the monograph» as a macro-genre and «the scientific article» as a nuclear genre. Keywords: scientific medical discourse, genre, speech genre, macrogenre, nuclear genre, speech genre differentiation | 1116 | ||||
22 | The discourse research remains the focus of modern linguistic science. The discourse is considered concretization of speech “in different modes of human existence”. The French architectural institutional discourse refers to the object, thematic discourses born at the intersection of the architectural (project-constructive) discourse proper and others discourses, such as scientific, academic, legal (legislative-administrative), newspaper-publicistic. This discourse is an example of polydiscursiveness, communicative intersection of discourses, so the legal discourse (legislative and administrative) is an integral part of the architectural discourse. The legal discourse is one of the most actual discourses of our time. it is oriented at all levels of the society, regulates the legal relationship between the individual and the society, whose interests are enshrined in laws and other regulatory documents of state power. The legal discourse reflects the political, economic, ethno-linguistic, moral and ethical factors of the organization of the state and society. The French legal discourse fully meets these destinations. The article deals with the French legal discourse in the field of architecture and urbanism and its subtypes: legislative and administrative, relating to the written type of discourse, because the issue and publication of laws, regulations and legal documents are carried out exclusively in the written form. In its turn, the legislative and administrative discourse is divided into two sub-discourses: law-making and lawapplying. The language of the legal discourse is one of the most peculiar codes, it is the first element and the building material of law. Keywords: discourse, legal discourse, subspecies of discourse, legislative, administrative discourse, communicative intersection of discourses, architecture, urbanism, «passportization» of discourse, speech genre | 886 | ||||
23 | The article deals with the results of a study devoted to medical discourse and its speech genre differentiation in the communicative space of Great Britain, France, Russia (three countries). The medical discourse is one of the oldest discourses, since it is about the main, basic values of a person ‒ his health and life. The humanity strives to increase the duration and improve the quality of life. The Medical discourse refers to the institutional discourse, as it serves a special institution, the social stratum – the medical community. The polydiscursivity is a characteristic of the medical discourse,that is born at the intersection of scientific, academic, legal, advertising, commercial, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and medical discourse proper, which is the leading discourse in this symphony of discourses. The speech genre palette of the medical discourse is extensive and diverse. The study deals only with the written speech genres of the medical discourse, which have their own characteristics. The written speech genres of the medical discourse are characterized bythe logical alignment, reasonableness, coherence, preparedness, a consistent development of the theme, the selection of linguistic means, the graphical representation on paper and the distance in time. They are visually perceptible and can be reproduced many times. The Russian medical discourse proper, in contrast to the English (British) and French medical discourses, is characterized by the largest number of the written speech genres, which is due to the extralinguistic factors: national, political, socio-cultural, legal, historical. Keywords: medical discourse, genre, speech genre, speech genre palette, Russian medical discourse, medical discourse proper | 963 | ||||
24 | Introduction. The object of this research is the French advertising discourse in the sphere of insurance services, and the subject is its speech genre differentiation. The topicality of this study is explained by the following factors: firstly, the above the discourse was not previously studied, secondly, it was carried out in line with the modern anthropocentric paradigm, thirdly, discursive studies still remain the focus of attention of modern domestic and foreign linguists, fourthly, the description of the genre palette of thematic discourse replenishes the repertoire of speech genres, and, finally, the French insurance market is one of the largest insurance sectors in the world, characterized by a high level of insurance culture, the historically established system of industries. The aim of this work is to analyze the French-language thematic discourse in the field of professional communication and to identify its speech genre palette. Material and methods. The methods of the research are the discursive analysis and the “extended” model of the speech genre. The material for the research is the promotional products of the insurance services of the leading insurance companies in France. Results and discussion. The advertising discourse in the field of insurance services is an integral part of the French insurance discourse. French institutional insurance discourse refers to the object thematic discourses, which are complex, multi-component, hybrid formations born at the intersection of the insurance, legal, academic, scientific discourse in the field of insurance, the advertising insurance discourse, the medical insurance discourse, the economic (marketing) discourse, the financial, the banking, the social, the managerial discourses in the field of insurance. Promotion of the insurance products to the market, i.e. their commercialization needs special advertising. Firstly, insurance is a service that is remote in time; accordingly, insurance services more than any other product need constant advertising. Secondly, the insurance company together with the insurance policy sells the client confidence in the future. The advertising discourse is defined as a special kind of the imperative discourse, which occupies an intermediate position between the argumentative (persuasive) and the propaganda (manipulative) discourses. The verbal and the visual semiotic codes are used to create an advertising text. The article describes the speech genres of printed materials of the French advertising discourse in the field of insurance services. Conclusion. In conclusion, it is noted that the author of the article has contributed to the description of the previously unexplored thematic French discourse and also replenished the “genre repertoire”. Keywords: advertising, discourse, insurance discourse, sphere of insurance services, imperative discourse, speech genre | 824 |