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1 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 95-98 . | 1111 | ||||
2 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 2 (2). P. 53-54 . | 1115 | ||||
3 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 2 (5). P. 108-110 . | 1137 | ||||
4 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 4 (7). P. 43-46 . | 1183 | ||||
5 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 19-21 . | 1062 | ||||
6 | At present time the most chief task of Russian peda-gogists is humane training with its morality and ideals. It is necessary for the nest generation of school teachers to become high qualified specialists. They must have huma¬neness and creativeness as principal characteristic of teacher's activities. | 1343 | ||||
7 | Contemporary Teacher: Training, Experience, Competence | 1256 | ||||
8 | This article deals with the genesis and the historical development of the unique higher educational structure – the Faculty of Additional (Optional) Professions. The faculty has been functioning since 1960s and is one of not many faculties in Russia in the Tomsk State Pedagogical University being a powerful resourse of the University | 1177 | ||||
9 | This paper deals with the results of scientific conference devoted to the well known philosophy and pedagogy S.I.Gessen’s memory. Some modern forms of the postgraduates research training in Tomsk government pedagogical university are presented. Keywords: scientific conference, education philosophy, pedagogy, school of young scientist, modern education | 1165 | ||||
10 | The authors suggest new approaches of innovation of educational process at secondary school. The name of the project is «River of Time», it’s a kind of pedagogical technological model. This model has it’s own functions, which include educational and socio-cultural positions. The model represents the cooperation between teachers, children and their parents within the space of intellectual education. Keywords: educational project, project activity, socialization, community of teachers and learners, adultschildren interaction | 1339 | ||||
11 | This article is devoted to the problem of development of children's and youth associations as institute of education which expand the zone of common culture, promote the becoming of a private world of children and teenagers, the formation of new valuable orientations, stimulate social development of a child. Keywords: children’s and youth associations, education, children's movement, development, public life, the becoming of the person | 1326 | ||||
12 | The problems of Master’s Degree Programme development as a new degree of University education in Russian practice are considered in this article on the date of a survey conducted in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: Bachelor’s Degree Programme, Master’s Degree Programme, Postgraduate Study Programme, teachers of high qualification, lecture, independent work of students | 1083 | ||||
13 | The article considers the organizational forms, content, conditions and principles of pupil’s professional orientation to education activity of pedagogical profile classes, developing in Russian secondary schools in 1990–2000. Keywords: specialized education and professional self-determination, comparative characteristics of general admission and graduates of the teacher training classes | 1114 | ||||
14 | Modernization of the education system is defined in the concept of long-term social and economic development of the necessary condition for the formation of the innovation economy. The programme strategic development objectives in Siberia are identified in science, education and culture, in which Tomsk State Pedagogical University actively participates. The main focus of the university is in improving the quality of human capital for the implementation of key economic and social spheres in Siberia due to the integration of institutions of primary, secondary, higher vocational education and professional development. Keywords: modernization of the education system, program of social and economic development of Siberia, the integration of educational institutions, the system of continuous teacher education | 1129 | ||||
15 | This article presents a model of social development of younger schoolboys by means of adaptive pedagogy. Adaptive pedagogy is actual and modern trend in training and education of children. We offer methodical means and receptions which have been realized in the course of physical training. However, they can be applied in other subjects or out-of-class activities. Keywords: social development of the person, primary school students, comprehensive school, adaptive pedagogy, adaptive school, model of adaptive educational process, model of social development, physical training | 1148 | ||||
16 | The article describes the origin of extra-training education during the pre-revolutionary period. The text of this article is based on the analysis of the new archival materials, and that has allowed revealing regional aspects of Tomsk region extra-training education. It is proved that Tomsk region was one of the leading national centres of extra-training education in the end of 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries. Keywords: extra-training education, out-of-school work, Tomsk region, origin, pedagogic history, archival materials | 1327 | ||||
17 | The article describes the contemporary experience of youth movement of volunteer organizations in Tomsk and Tomsk region. The article deals with the existing forms of civic upbringing, which assist in the development of social activity and patriotic qualities of rising generation. Keywords: social actions, youth initiatives, charity organizations, patriotic upbringing | 1084 | ||||
18 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2013. Issue 4 (132). P. 196-198 . | 1107 | ||||
19 | The article deals with social-pedagodical activity of the Tomsk doctor V. P. Pirussky in children’s sanatorium colonies organization, which turned out to be modern summer camps prototypes. Questions of all the year round educational, developing and socializing work with children in riding academies and city winter and summer grounds are reported; original pedagogic ideas of the scientist that foresaw a lot of achievements of the next decades in school and out of school education are revealed and summed up in the article. Keywords: children sanatorium colonies, pedagogical ideas, institutes of additional education, social practices | 1316 | ||||
20 | This article analyzes the original pedagogical theories of Petersburg scientist P.F. Lesgaft and Tomsk researcher Dr. V. S. Pirussky basing on the main principles of medicine and education. The pioneering experiments of these persons at branch of physical training and moral improvement of the population were significantly ahead of their time. Today this work is of interest to students, teachers, researchers of physical training and sport. The experience of teachers with high qualification is examined in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: Physical training, rehabilitate health practice, social development, special educated physical training teachers, scientific and research training of university teachers | 1103 | ||||
21 | The article deals with the problems of ill health of students; it shows risk factors; identifies resources to improve the situation by increasing motor activity, physical training and sports. Keywords: school risk factors, chronic diseases of children, physical training, sports, healthy lifestyle, healthprotecting technologies | 1077 | ||||
22 | The article is devoted to the actual problem of professional self-determination of youth, accurate choosing of their way of life after high school. Considered popular in the past decades and now various forms of vocational guidance work with students. The foreground direction of career counseling in pedagogical activity for high school students is specified by the author as the pedagogical profile in the senior secondary school. It considers the positive experience of the joint project of Tomsk state pedagogical university and the Department of education of Administration of Tomsk region in the development of pedagogical classes in 1990–2000. Reveals the obvious educational, cognitive, research and socially significant superiority of pedagogical classes’ students compared to ordinary applicants. Displays the securing of professional stability of this category of students, readiness to work as school teachers, college and university teachers after getting a university degree. Actualizes the need in modern education for the widespread adoption of pedagogical profile in schools. Keywords: Pre-university student career guidance, accurate choice of profession, pedagogical class as an effective model | 1027 | ||||
23 | The article regards the history of physical activity types that are new to Russia and that gained popularity among the youth irrespective of gender differences. It is very popular among young people. They are new kinds of sport. The study subject is fitness and art-fencing – the new types of sports disciplines, attracting students with its accessibility, entertainment, connection of sport and art. The article presents the historical overview of the emergence and the development of art-fencing and fitness in global and Russian practice. There are common aspects of these new kinds of sport. Also in the article we can see its cooperation. The general characteristic features of these new types of sports activities, the degree of their interaction and enrichment are selected. In the article authors advice to use five groups of training items for common kinds of sport and for fitness and art-fencing itself which direct to forceful, coordination and willed features in common sportsmanship. Five conditional groups of training means, that are common to both fitness and art-fencing and that are aimed at the development of strength, coordination, strong-willed and restorativerelaxing qualities in the general physical preparation of athletes, are identified and recommended. Fitness and artfencing have a socializing effect on the behavioral attitudes of young people. Keywords: аrtistic fencing, fitness, aerobics, common sportsmanship, sporting competition | 1042 | ||||
24 | The article analyzes the current state of municipal preschool organizations. State legislative documentary framework defining priority tasks of preschool education is indicated. A social order for introduction of inclusive education in preschool and general education organizations is defined. There are increasing trends in children`s kindergartens with physical and mental health problems, contributing to the special educational needs of these children. Deficits of relevant inclusive competencies of teaching staff have been identified. Such social problems as the obvious rejection by educators and parents of the idea of a joint stay in kindergarten of normotypic children with limited health opportunities (HIA) are considered. The necessity of creating preschool groups of combined orientation and providing effective pedagogical support for children with special educational needs is emphasized. The analysis of existing problems and deficits led to the creation of a special program for accompanying children with special educational needs. The study of the experience of pedagogical support made it possible to identify the main professional and personal difficulties of educators of combined groups. Personnel shortages of such necessary narrow specialists as: speech therapists, oligofrenopedagogues, neurophychologists and social educators are also among the hindering factors. It becomes obvious that the existing insufficient level of inclusive competencies of educators, the lack of clear planning and timely pedagogical decisions does not contribute to the modernization of mass preschool organizations with combined inclusive groups. An educator in such mixed groups needs a kind of «constructor» as a special program with a set of appropriate technologies. The program will allow to plan a productive support and effective interaction with parents and narrow specialists. The technological complex of the program should identify effective forms and methods of speech therapy correction, a set of inclusive methods and technologies of pedagogical support for children. The author`s program for educators in combined groups is presented based on technologies which generally recognized by pedagogical science. This article analyzes the effectiveness of the technology of joint activities of children, educators, parents and the public. Keywords: Technology of pedagogical accompanying, children with special educational needs, groups of combined orientation, inclusive education | 550 |