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1 | The article considers the problem of improving the quality of teacher training to correctional work with children with disabilities in the cognitive component and the criterion of social intellect. The question of becoming a professional identity is studied in terms of creating a reference model of the expert system as professionally important qualities, abilities, knowledge and skills necessary for successful implementation. One of the main problems is the lack of education and lack of preparedness of specialists, in particular, clinical psychologists and educators. The study revealed that the majority of the ezamined is characterized by an average level of social intellect, and a high level of readiness for the second year of studies reaches a very small number of students. Teachers-psychologists are only half ready to correctional work with children with disabilities according to the criterion of social intelligence, because a cognitive component of psychological readiness corresponds to values of low and intermediate level. Keywords: cognitive component, professional training, social intellect | 1069 | ||||
2 | The article considers the psychological readiness of psychology students for professional work in the framework of inclusive education. As a basic framework was adopted model of psychological readiness of F. M. Rekesheva, including cognitive, emotional and motivational-value components. The criterion for determining the level of preparedness for professional work psychology students was the degree of formation of its components. The study revealed that the majority of psychology students of the second year are not psychologically prepared for professional work in an inclusive environment, as the level of development of the studied components corresponds to low and middle values. The obtained results of the study indicate the need to strengthen the practice-oriented component in the preparation of students planning profession in terms of inclusive education. Keywords: psychological readiness of students, professional activity, inclusive education | 1194 | ||||
3 | The article is devoted to consideration of the questions connected with providing and formation of psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment. It is shown that one of the most actual problems of modern psychology is studying of the risk factors menacing to psychological safety of the educational environment, and also conditions promoting its security. The characteristic of pedagogical risk factors, negatively affecting development and health, and psychological safety of the trained is given. Results of empirical studying of indicators of psychological safety of the educational environment of high comprehensive schools are presented. Most of the examinees who took part in research was shown by the positive relation to the educational environment of the school, high level of satisfaction with characteristics of the educational environment and high level of security from psychological violence. Keywords: psychological safety, educational environment, pedagogical risk, psychological violence, crisis situations, conditions of psychological safety | 1259 |