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1 | The article analyses the peculiarities of modern rural schools, contributing to the formation on their basis of network interactions. Keywords: rural school, development of education, network interaction | 1023 | ||||
2 | The article presents some results of research conducted by the Institute of social pedagogics RAO (2003) and laboratory of theory and practice of rural school development of Petrozavodsk state University (2014–2015). The modern stage of modernization of Russian education is characterized as socio-cultural and is understood as a correlate of two trends – globalization and regionalization. The author compares the evaluation the effectiveness of the past decade’s reforms, given by the rural teachers, and reveals that the modernization of education in rural areas has not met their expectations according to the basic parameters of reforming. It is concluded that a negative evaluation is caused, in particular, by the fact that rural pedagogical community does not take an active role in the reform. Keywords: modernization, restructuring and reforming of education, sociocultural modernization of education, rural teaching staff, the doer, the subject, the actor | 870 | ||||
3 | Introduction. A comparative study of the theory and practice of education in Finland is due to the natural interest of researchers in the experience of countries that hold leading positions in international educational monitoring, where the Finnish system shows consistently high results. The focus of the analysis is education implemented in rural areas, the features of the activity of a rural school, the specifics of the professional activity of a rural teacher. Materials and methods. The material for the analysis was the research of Finnish scientists and specialists in the field of education, the experience of international Russian-Finnish educational projects. Results and discussion. The theory and practice of the development of education in Finland is of interest for Russian scientists and practitioners, and for researchers of the Republic of Karelia, especially, since the similarity of both territories in terms of geographical, natural-climatic, ethnocultural, demographic and other indicators is obvious. In both territories, rural schools represent a significant part of the general education system. Conclusion. Analysis of the works of Finnish and Russian scientists made it possible to: fix the coincidence of the positions of researchers regarding the peculiarities of the rural school and the specifics of the work of a rural teacher, the relevance of the socio-cultural approach to the modernization of education in rural areas, as well as the need for targeted training and support for the professional formation and development of a rural teacher in the paradigm of lifelong education ; to identify common approaches to substantiating such ways of preserving and developing a small school such as creating a socio-cultural center, transforming a school into a service center for a rural settlement (according to E. Korpinen). Keywords: comparative research, rural school, rural teacher, sociocultural modernization of education | 1063 |