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1 | We are talking about the need to find new solutions in educational activities related to the study of Russian as a foreign language, in the conditions of a modern multicultural space. National educational systems respond differently to the challenges and trends of today and develop specialist training programs whose competency base satisfies the needs of the domestic and international human resources market. The “One Belt, One Road” strategy initiated by China is a political, social and economic context that determines the dynamics and transformation of specialized personnel training. Proficiency in Russian as a means of communication in a multicultural world is considered in China to be an important indicator of a high-class specialist, which poses the task of the country’s universities to carefully consider the concept of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The experience of introducing an original model for training highly professional personnel in the subject area “Russian as a Foreign Language” at a Chinese regional university is described. The principles that determine the educational model are revealed, its didactic resource, content, functional features, testing results are described, and prospects for improvement are outlined taking into account changing sociopolitical circumstances. It is emphasized that when designing such an educational model, the factors of the territorial location of the developer university, its previous experience of multifaceted interaction with Russia, including trade, educational and cultural exchanges, the availability of material and technical base, motivational needs and expectations of the parties involved in the process are taken into account. Among the unique features of the educational model of training in the field of Russian as a foreign language, proposed for implementation by Mudanjiang Normal University, there is an emphasis on the priority of practical and applied training, widespread involvement of internship sites, staged and leveled implementation of educational programs, their interdisciplinarity, mandatory use as traditional , as well as innovative techniques and teaching methods, selection of the contingent for training and differentiated work with them throughout the educational process. The experience of a regional Chinese university can be useful in terms of application in other universities and other countries. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, multicultural communication, competency-based approach, subject and meta-subject competencies, educational model | 439 |