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1 | The article considers features of organism's res¬ponse of the women with vegetative instability at aero¬bics classes on physical activity. The results of research of cardiovascular system reactions among women with the increased sensitivity of vegetative systems on phy¬sical activity at aerobics classes are presented. | 1162 | ||||
2 | The article gives the experiment results of the usage of methodical approaches directed to equalize the motor skewness of legs with the purpose to improve the teaching quality of hurdling techniques among students of the sport faculty | 1137 | ||||
3 | The article is devoted to the actual problem of optimization of the sports result of young athletes in conditions of additional education. The purpose of the work is to reveal the features of the normalization of physical activity of young athletes using the system approach through the management of structural formations of the training process. In the work the features of the organization of the educational process in the children and youth sports school are revealed with the use of the system approach in achieving the sporting result. The management of structural formations of the training process in the system of additional education becomes a system-forming factor in the training of qualified athletes, since it solves many problems of improving absolutely all the components of physical fitness of a beginner athlete. Methodical approaches to the organization of training sessions for young athletes in water sports have been developed, based on the management of structural formations of the training process. The results of the pedagogical experiment make it possible to specify certain effective approaches, forms, methods and tools used in the classroom. During the work, the following methods of scientific research were used: analysis of scientific, sports, methodological literature; analysis of best practices, modeling methods, pedagogical experiment. Research materials can be used in the practice of trainers. Keywords: system approach, normalization of physical loads, structural formations of the training process and exercises, modeling of the sport result | 906 |