Models of Personality and Their Realization in Various Educational Systems
The information synergetic approach (Melik-Haiazyan I.V.) lets to state that education is a process. It gave possibilities to constitute consequent stages of educational systems’ development. So, now we can follow the way of appearing and developing of European educational paradigms, which go back to different ethical ideas. As soon as principle of complementarity doesn’t work within ethics, system differences of education mean the boundaries of pedagogic technologies. The research is supported by grant RFBR №08-06-00109
Keywords: information-synergetic approach, procedurality of education, stages of educational systems development, paradigms of European education, ethical systems, system differences of education, borders of pedagogical technologies
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Issue: 1, 2008
Rubric: Systems and Models in Interdisciplinary Culture Studies
Pages: 123 — 125
Downloads: 1029