Relative Analysis of Culture (By the Example of Forming Antique Personality and Law)
The article demonstrates application of relative analysis by example of solving a problem about the origin of antique personality. There are three aspects to be examined in connection with the antique culture – the essential role of society and communities, forming the antique personality and appearance of thinking (philosophy and science). These elements conditioned new power structures, appearance of law and state. The actualized method assumes concerted and conditional analysis of different aspects of “the distributed unity” that explains the origin of forming the antique personality, law and culture. These aspects of the distributed unity were antique culture background, society, communities, semeiosis, new social practice and vision, social institutes, personality, thinking and some other factors
Keywords: method of relative analysis, problem of antique person origin, antique culture, antique law, culture.
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Issue: 1, 2008
Rubric: Systems and Models in Interdisciplinary Culture Studies
Pages: 125 — 135
Downloads: 1055