Study of Working Processes in Automatic Emergency Shutdown Valve for a Major Gas Pipelines
Trunk gaslines are key gas movers in Tomsk region. In many cases pipeline loss of integrity, in emergencies, would be associated with explosive processes caused by widening of fatigue fracturing, or entire damage could come from outflow and explosion of flammable transportation fluids escaping from the pipe. Reliable, fast-response stand-alone devices designed to cut-off such emergency sections have become most essential for system-wide operating security. Successfully certified bench and field tests have been performed with an innovative device, AZK-T, offering effective isolation of Tomsktransgaz’s large-diameter pipeline ruptured sections. This device features design simplicity and is easy to operate. Comparisons were made with foreign counterparts to reveal excellent AZK-T performance
Issue: 6, 2004
Series of issue: Sciences
Rubric: Applied Mechanics
Pages: 54 — 59
Downloads: 1037