The Development of Professional Competence Among the Teachers of Schools with Limited Number of Pupils (on the Example of the Tomsk Region)
This article is devoted to the most important and actual problem as the development of village schools with limited number of pupils. The solution of nowadays problems depends on modernization of the village schools, municipal and regional educational systems. These problems are connected with the beginning of finance according to the number of pupils, branch payment, implementation of pre-schooling education, profile learning, etc. The main way of the development of NLVS (Number Limited Village Schools) is the staff (teachers who work with pupils of such schools). The article gives the analyses of the staff resource (in the Tomsk region), highlights the main contradictions of teaching skills development, and points out the conditions necessary for pedagogical competence. The authors offer the description of the concrete experimental action and the results of the competence development in such groups of specialists.
Keywords: keywords_eng
1. «The Methodological Recommendations Connected with Organization Educational and Brining up Processes in NLS (МКШ)»:Tomsk: STT,2007,-p3.
2. Sartakova E.E. «Modernization of Village Educational System»: Tomsk: STT,2007-p243.
Issue: 3, 2008
Rubric: Pedagogy and Psychology
Pages: 20 — 24
Downloads: 1099