In the article the essence of ecological education and upbringing from the positions of the concept of a sustainable development is considered. The major criteria of conformity of positions and sights of the person to an ecological imperative, feature of formation of ecologically caused consciousness and world outlook installations are described. The author designates function of ecological education and upbringing, expressed in prevention of negative influence of human activity on environment. Separate regulatory legal acts (the international, federal, regional character), confirming necessity of ecologically defensible public relations at the present stage of development of a civilization are analyzed. The special attention in the article is given to the level of ecological formation in Tomsk area as a centre of science of Siberia: the objective estimation of quality of ecological formation as directions of realization of the concept of a sustainable development of area is given, the contribution state and public organizations in nature protection formation of the person is defined; the results of work in the sphere of ecological education and upbringing for 2005–2008 are revealed.
Keywords: sustainable development, the international cooperation, preservation of the environment, continuous ecological education: criteria, aspects, formation principles, the ecological culture, ecologically focused public consciousness, Tomsk area: estimation of
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Issue: 6, 2009
Rubric: Science Education
Pages: 97 — 101
Downloads: 1336