In virgin and residual (1 m) peat under permanent cereal grasses of reclamated site of lowland bog ecosystem activity of catalase was defined in 1993, 2002 and 2008 in dynamics. It is shown, that activity of this enzyme is defined by local meteoconditions, peat temperature, level of swamp waters, presence of nutrients (in the form of mineral fertilizers). The reclamation of the developed site (since 1986) has not caused essential increase of fermentative activity in all terms of researches, only in 2008 the tendency to its increase was teethed. The soil of a virgin fallow and soil of experiment site are characterized by comparable sizes of activity of catalase, possibly because residual peat is the lowermost horizon of before not drained virgin soil.
Keywords: marsh ecosystems, virgin soil, reclamated soil, enzymes, catalase, biological potency, peat, manurials, grasses
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Issue: 6, 2009
Rubric: Biology
Pages: 121 — 125
Downloads: 1083