-The Biotopic Distribution of Fresh-Water Mollusks in the Water Basins of Northern Siberia
The various types of water basins, i. e. river, accessory, marsh and continental ones, are considered as biotopes for fresh-water mollusks of North-Siberia. For each of the above basin types the qualitative and qualitative composition of mollusks is reported and the most widely spread species are indicated. Regarding the biotopes and environmental factors involved, rheo-, stagno- and eurybionts are found to predominate among the fresh-water mollusks of Northern Siberia. The adaptation of mollusks to certain environmental factors of the water basins and their distribution in the biotopes because of these factors are considered.
Issue: 4, 2003
Series of issue: Science
Rubric: Biology and Medicine
Pages: 55 — 61
Downloads: 1018