Professional Self-Determination of the Personality of a Practical Psychologist in the Process of Education: the Status of the Problem, its Real Content and Specificity
In this article the problem of the professional selfdetermination of the personality of a practical psychologist in the process of education is raised, its solution, in the authors' opinion, is a basis for the formation of acertain model of a specialist. The description of modern approaches to the investigation of a personality s professional self-determination problem is presented here. The authors come to the conclusion that transferring this traditional problem into the sphere of professional education of a practical psychologist reveals the new determinations in the well-known scheme «person - profession*. It exceed the bounds of the philosophical problem of personal choice. The process of professional education for a practical psychologist becomes the process of his professional formation and his personality formation in general. As a result, changes in a personality entail changes in the whole structure of the professional activity of a practical psychologist.
Issue: 3, 2002
Series of issue: Humanities (Philosophy) Special Issue
Rubric: Theory and Methods
Pages: 58 — 60
Downloads: 1015