Two Viewpoints on the Nature of Psychical Reality
The article treats positive and negative sides of the traditional view on the problem of the origin of the psychic. The author emphasizes the indisputable fact that the enormous amount of data accumulated in the arsenal of the sciences related to a human being, are impossible to explain from the standpoint of the officially recognized materialistic paradigm. He also points out the existence of extensive scientific research, the results of which obviously disagree with the evolutional theory of the psychic development of the person. The author presents arguments in favour of the alternative opinion, supported by the research based on the humanistic, existential and transpersonal concepts. He supposes that the alternative humanistic approach to solving urgent problems in psychology and psychiatry will be able to fill the void that appeared between the traditional Western thought and the philosophical system of the Ancient East.
Issue: 3, 2002
Series of issue: Humanities (Philosophy) Special Issue
Rubric: Theory and Methods
Pages: 61 — 66
Downloads: 947