Basic Determinants of the Spiritual Crisis
The article discusses the causes and regularities of the personality spiritual crisis development. The problem is extremely important for modern psychology. The paper analyses the structure of a personality in which, from the point of view of the author, it is possible to single out three levels: the material «Ego», the social «Ego», and the spiritual «Ego». The author considers the spiritual «Ego» to be the most integrated part of a personality, which at the age of maturity regulates the entire activity of a personality on a global scale. The formation of this personal structure occurs in the process of overcoming spiritual crises that force the personality to rethink the contents of the meaning of life constantly and reconsider the answer to question «Why do I live?». The author examines the main trends in the spiritual «Ego» - the effusive, transformational and conservative ones, which in most cases define the direction of the development of a spiritual crisis. However, it is the level of vitality that is considered as the base of a personality's spiritual growth. It depends little on a personality and is more likely of a biological origin. In the second part of the article different factors, which can promote or prevent personal spiritual crises, are considered. The classification of these factors is linked by the author with the three main trends presented in the spiritual «Ego» of a personality and with the level of vitality.
Issue: 3, 2002
Series of issue: Humanities (Philosophy) Special Issue
Rubric: Letters
Pages: 75 — 83
Downloads: 956