Time and Ontology: Ontologica! Status of Time
This research sets the task to analyze the «ontological» and «temporal» turn, which take place in the philosophy of 20th century. The central figure of this «turn» is M. Heidegger, who explicated in some fundamental works the relation between time and being. Destruction of the history of ontology from Aristotle to Heidegger shows that all traditional ontologica! terms are constituted with concept of time, which sets in motion the entire system of fundamental concepts of European metaphysics: arche. eidos, energia. kinesis ousia, parusia, Essenz, Existenz, Substanz, Subjekt. Our general strategy consists in clarification of the relationships between time and ontology and in explication of ontological status of time.
Issue: 4, 2002
Series of issue: Humanities (Philosophy, Cultural Science, History)
Rubric: Philosophy and Philosophical Anthropology
Pages: 3 — 6
Downloads: 986