Role of Game in the Anthropological Perspective
It is considered in the psychological anthropology that a person passes consecutively through a number of degrees of the development of the subjectivity, each of them expresses the corresponding mode of the subjective reality: the individual, the subject, the personality, the universum. The analysis of the inner structure and the contextual side of the games, consecutively changing each other during the period of preschool age – elementary producing, mode-roling, plot-roling, a game with rules and producing game in details – allows to suppose that every kind of game, being the leading at the definite stage of the age development, initially supposes the satiation of the leading form of existing of a child. The other forms of existing are not leveled, but harmonically co-exist with the generalized modus, and they are in a special subordinational relations, fulfilling the accompanying function.
Issue: 1, 2005
Series of issue: Psychology
Rubric: Pedagogic Psychology
Pages: 20 — 22
Downloads: 1035