The Problem Psychological Training of Teacher’s in Aspect Complete Structure of Professional-Рedagogical Education
They consider that the main cause of bad quality of teacher’s psychological training is its out of date content and methods. Authors of the article don’t deny these factors but give their our point of view on this problem, trying to find objective causes of it. On of them disbalance between basic structural elements (subject and professional training). This fact causes low status of teacher’s psychological training. Authors of the article came to the conclusion that its necessery to have got a project complete structure of professional-pedagogical education. Necessery stage of its preparation is forming professional subject’s complex. Psychological preparation must the be trained from the position of the professional pedagogical and psychological practices.
Issue: 1, 2005
Series of issue: Psychology
Rubric: Pedagogic Psychology
Pages: 32 — 39
Downloads: 1236