Conflict Reflexion as a Condition on of the Correction of Minimal Brain Disfunction in Childish Аge
The threat of violence has become one of the dominanting factors of children’s social life. Sometimes a child can help himself. So conflict as a form of a person’s activity promotes reflexion of any problem situation and selection of means of solving the problem. Nowadays there is much statistics in science literature about Minimal Brain Disfunction (MBD) which occurs at early. Most discussed questions are connected with hyperactivity of children and arguments of chronic Brain’s syndrome in general, manifestation of children’s encephalophatis, etc. (B. Lebedev, J.I. Barashnev, E.M. Mastjukova). Inspite of many researches connected with this subject, the conflict actions of children with MBD are to be investigated and analyzed in future.
Issue: 1, 2005
Series of issue: Psychology
Rubric: Pedagogic Psychology
Pages: 46 — 50
Downloads: 1069