The Effect of Irradiation on Antioxidant Ac tivity of Humic Ac ids from Vasugan bog’s High-Moor Peat
In this paper there were presented the results of study effect of irradiation on antioxidant activity of humic acids from Vasugan bog’s hight-moor peat by chemiluminescence method. It was showed the antiradical activity of humic acids. The antiradical activity increased after UV-irradiation. The sun irradiation was feebly influenced on antiradical activity of humic acids.
Keywords: humic acids, antiradical activity, antioxidant activity, chemiluminescence, sun irradiation, UVirradiatioin
Issue: 5, 2011
Series of issue: Issue 5
Rubric: Peat Studies
Pages: 107 — 111
Downloads: 905