Estimation of Water Balance Elements and Their Times Dynamic on Marshland Waterpool with Big Vasyugan Mire
The presented results of the calculation water balance element for three represent water basin of big Vasyugan mires with a different degree of paludification on month interval for the period 1990–2009 years. There was analysed the perennial track records of the precipitation, evaporations and expenses of water, influence of the change the climate on hydrological marshes regimen. The correlations are estimated between elements of the water balances at different years.
Keywords: paludification water basin, hydra-climatic facility, evaporation, run off water and heat exchange, wood-marsh zone, West Siberia, hydrological regimes, time dynamic
Issue: 5, 2011
Series of issue: Issue 5
Rubric: Peat Studies
Pages: 112 — 116
Downloads: 941