The influence of aeration on the structure of microbial complexes in fens
Microbial communities in virgin and reclaimed fens of Tomsk region were examined in the comparative study. Differences between these peat lands could be found only for a dry season. A number of fungi, evaluated with the plating method, and a share of hydrolytic bacteria were considerably higher in the reclaimed fen. It indicates to the intensification of destruction due to the implemented agricultural afforestation. The differences between fens smooth after long-term rains: fungal and actinomycetal mycelium is fragmentary found in soil layers, number and specific diversity of micromycetes decrease, hydrobionts dominate among bacteria. Thus, though examined fens are hydromorphic soils, weather conditions should be taken into account for soil sampling, because all the microbiologic indicators, which allow characterizing microbial communities of peat soils, sharply vary under the change of dry and moist periods.
Keywords: fens, agroforestry, microbial biomass, bacteria, fungi, abundance, taxonomic structure
Issue: 5, 2011
Series of issue: Issue 5
Rubric: Peat Studies
Pages: 117 — 125
Downloads: 990