Methodology of Contemporary Religious Phenomenon’s Studying: Statement of Problem
Sociology of religion has been conceptually and theoretically isolated for a long time. The situation has changed at 70es with actualization of NRM theme. On the one hand, there were recruited new explanatory models from the adjoining sociological spheres – conflict theory, sociology of medicine, theory of the economic activity. On the other hand, academic community was polarized because of specific character of area of study on the strength of question about the religious phenomenon researcher’ professional ethics. The most part of the article is dedicated to the review of dominant interpretation systems in the sociology of religion. The key deduction of the article is a positioning of researcher’s state and potential level of the objectivity in religious studies as a central methodological issue in the sociology of religion.
Issue: 12, 2006
Series of issue: Humanities (Sociology)
Rubric: Analysis of Social Policies of the Religious Sphere of Society
Pages: 110 — 115
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