The literary work is considered as artistic model of reality in the article. This model can be characterized by the the reproduction of the “original” and its correlation with the proper extending the boundaries of reality, opening prospects of its development. The concept of art modeling is presented in terms of their genetic relationship with inductive theory of mimesis (Aristotle) and deductive theory of the truth of art (G. V. F. Hegel). This concept allows us to characterize the modeling in the art in comparison with the modeling in science and practice, and to define the boundaries of aesthetic, leading to the destruction of works of art as integrity, reflecting the integrity of the world and man. Look at literary work as the homomorphic model of the sign, which reflects the essence of the aesthetic attitude to reality, creates prerequisites for the study of the specificity of the theoretical literature modeling literary works as combines the features of artistic and scientific modeling.
Keywords: literary work, artistic model, mimesis, substantiality, integrity
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Issue: 11, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 16 — 21
Downloads: 891