The examined material allows the authors of the article to believe that convention as a concept has arisen relatively recently and as the phenomenon it showed itself always in different ways and in historically varying creation principles of a work of literature as a whole. Actualisation of the discussion of the latter aspect designated differently occurs, as a rule, in situations of social commotion or during the time of renewal of art language. As regards to Russian history of trying to interpret convention, co-authors attach great importance to Pushkin's reflexion in his polemics with Aristotle's followers. In collected articles about new theatre of 1908 and 1914 years, convention means a category and later avant-gardist in their performances of 1920s developed the ideas of Aristotle's followers.
Keywords: “Poetics” by Aristotle, article «About a national drama and the drama “Marfa-posadnitsa” (Martha the Mayoress)» by A. Pushkin, “The Montage of Attractions” by S. Eisenstein, V. Bryusov, V. Meyerhold, V. Mayakovsky, S. Tretyakov, imitation, realism, natura
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Issue: 11, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 9 — 15
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