The morphological structure of the above-ground part of the cane areas of the plant 24 local populations Hedysarum gmelinii Ledeb., grown in the Mountainous Altai and Khakassia, was studied. A complex adaptive morphological traits and the degree of influence of the factor of adaptation of plants to different heights above sea level (from 300 to 2200 m ) on their variability in plants of this species are revealed. According to variance and regression analyses, adjusting to the increasing height above sea level in H. gmelinii inhibition of the intercalary meristem growth is shown. When climbing structure shoots varies significantly, but the transformation in plants is minor. The changes in above-ground parts of shoots ensure the preservation of particular role in cenosis and reproductive capacity, together with other peculiarities of structure in plants H. gmelinii in mountain conditions.
Keywords: Hedysarum gmelinii, local populations, the variability of morphological characteristics, mountains of South Siberia
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Issue: 11, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 220 — 226
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