The paper is devoted to studying speech acts in the situation of parting in the German culture. The subject of the scientific analysis is a communicative pragmatic situation of realization of the acts represented in dialogic fragments of literary works of art of Germany. The objects of the research are verbal means of formation of speech acts and expressions of pragmatic components of the communicative situation ABSCHIED in German language. The aim of the paper is to reveal illocutionary goals of the communicative situation ABSCHIED. The author finds out that situation of parting is related to the concept of etiquette and includes various illocutionary goals. Speech acts of parting assume the interaction of at least two subjects – the sender and the recipient. Farewell speech formulas can serve either for creating distance or for the rapprochement of interlocutors. For successful communication, native German speakers use a variety of communication moves.
Keywords: parting, German culture, theory of speech acts, communicative situation, illocutionary goals, speech formulas, communication moves
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Issue: 4, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 21 — 25
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