To the problem of interlinguistic systematic classification of compound naming units in the Russian and English languages
This article is devoted to analysis of dependence of perception of inner form of the compound word from linguistic and extra linguistic conditions. The compound Russian and English lexemes were served as the material of the research, which forming the same notions. It was necessary to distribute them into groups using the same principle of classification. As a rule, taxonomies are built on the intralingual material independently of the tier which is meant. Specification of our research encloses in application of another type of classification. We examine structural features of compound lexical units locating into the same linguistic space. The purposes of our research have required formatting the classification of the selected material basing on specification of the inner form.
Issue: 2, 2007
Series of issue: Humanities
Rubric: Topical Problems of Derivation and Motivology
Pages: 38 — 40
Downloads: 965