The article deals with the analysis of the processes in the educational institution from the logistic point of view. We show, that almost any educational institution conforms to the requirements and can function as a logistic system. Naturally, the problem of optimization of all processes in the educational institution occurs. An important instrument of the problem’s solution is logistization of educational activity. The basis of educational activity is a high potential of increasing its efficiency by means of implementation of scientific methods of regulating the various flows, which occur not only in the educational institution structure, but also in interacting of the educational institution and its external environment (labor market). Logistization of educational activity is a process of consequential implementation of devices, methods and techniques of logistic science. At the same time, educational activity logistization can be considered as a complex technological and management innovation and its implementation into real practice of educational istitutions should be considered as a necessary factor. We analyze the principles, paradigms and requirements, related to forming the educational institution as a logistic system: integration of departments into a united logistic system, orderliness and clarity (transparency) of logistic systems and so on. We reveal the difficulties of forming this system. They are caused by the specificity of “production” of the educational logistic system. That is why the approaches, traditionally applied to the sphere of material production, may be not effective in this case.
Keywords: education, educational process, educational establishment, educational system, logistics, logistization of educational activity
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 17 — 22
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