An important instrument of the increase of educational activity is its logistization. In the article we offer a logistic model, where an educational institution is considered as a micro-logistic system, and educational activity – as a set of various flows of useful resources, which interact, influence each other, depend upon the current market conditions and evolve, corresponding to the change of inner and outer conditions. Using the logistic approach, we bring out the research of structure of the basic element of the system – the flow of human resources. The flow is represented as a certain function, having two components: scalar W0– the concrete appearance of useful resources and vector 0 W (t,z) – the orientation of the flow in space (z) and time (t). Thus, the flow is W =W0 ⋅W0(t,z). The special attention is paid to the process of forming the human resources flow and to its providing components. We show that in an educational establishment the educational activity results the conversion of the input flow of human resources (claimers for getting some educational services) into the output flow (specialists of various levels). Besides, for stable functioning of the conversion process the educational establishment requires the following vector components: material, financial, informational, of power (energetic), of manpower (personnel) and of service. We work out the mathematical expressions, describing this process. They give us the opportunity to define the sources of expenses and to optimize the total costs in order to minimize them.
Keywords: education, educational process, logistics, useful resources flows, logistization of educational activity
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 27 — 34
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